Bürünç önümleri
Highokary hilli bürünç kilo
It has high strength, elasticity and wear resistance, and has high corrosion resistance in the atmosphere, fresh water, sea water and certain acids. Gämiler gowşamaz, gaz kebşirlenen we sowuk ýa-da gyzgyn şertlerde guýulmagy tutup bolýar. Gaýtadan işlemek, söndürip bolmaz we özüne çekiji bolup bilmez.
99.99 Döredilen 99.99 Döredilen 99 sany arassa mis plastinka plastel plastel plastel plasti
Bürünç tabol poslamaýan polat prosessesynyň gowulandyrylan önümdir. It has been widely used in recent years because of its advantages beyond the performance of stainless steel itself and its diverse product colors. The product has a highly corrosion-resistant copper layer, and the production process can maintain the original advantages of the stainless steel edge.